Scheda bibliografica
Tipo Campo Descrizione
Old Russian murals & mosaics from the 11. to the 16. century / by Viktor Lazarev ; the translations has been made by Boris Roniger and revised by Nancy Dunn ; the glossary and iconographical index were compiled by P. B. Hetherington and the general index by Isabel Hariades. - London : Phaidon Press, 1966. - 290 p. : ill. ; 32 cm.
Tipo Campo Collegamenti
Autori Dunn, Nancy
Hariades, Isabel
Hethering, P. B.
Lazarev, Viktor Nikitic
Roniger, Boris
Editore Phaidon Press
Luogo pubbl.   GB. - Londra
Data pubbl.   1966
Lingua ENG
Classificazione 759.7
Luoghi/Possessori Gran Bretagna - Londra
Tipo N.Inv. Collocazione Biblioteca Note
147 / 003324 9L. FAG.EXT. 011 GRBI
1 v.