Scheda bibliografica
Tipo Campo Descrizione
Plays written by mr. Wm. Wycherley. Containing The country wife, The plain-dealer, Gentleman dancing-master, Love in a wood. - London : printed for B. Motte, W. Feales, R.Wellington, J. Brindley, C. Corbett, and B. Wellington, 1735. - 4 v. ; 12.
Tipo Campo Collegamenti
Autori Wycherley, William
Editore Brindley, James <1726-1758>. - Feales, William. - Motte, Benjamin. - Wellington, Richard <2.>
Luogo pubbl.   GB. - Londra
Data pubbl.   1735
Lingua ENG
Classificazione 822.5 (A)
Luoghi/Possessori Gran Bretagna - Londra
Tipo Campo Legami con altri Titoli
Comprende [1]: The country wife, a comedy, as it is acted at the THeatre Royal. Written by mr. Wycherley.
Comprende [3]: The gentleman dancing-master. A comedy, as it is acted by their majesties servants. Written by mr. Wycherley.
Comprende [4]: Love in a wood, or St. Jamess-Park. A comedy, as it is acted by his majestys servants. Written by mr. Wycherley.
Comprende [2]: The plain dealer, a comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal written by mr. Wycherley.