Scheda bibliografica
Tipo Campo Descrizione
Catalogue of the National Gallery of Victoria : appendix 2. of Oil paintings, water colours, miniatures, sculptures and pastels : acquired between 1st July, 1950 and 31st July, 1954. - [Melbourne : The National Gallery of Victoria, 1954]. - 60 p. ; 21 cm.
Tipo Campo Collegamenti
Autori National Gallery of Victoria <Melbourne>
Editore The National Gallery of Victoria
Luogo pubbl.   AU. - Melbourne
Data pubbl.   1954
Lingua ENG
Classificazione 708.994
Luoghi/Possessori Australia - Melbourne
Tipo N.Inv. Collocazione Biblioteca Note
147 / 003033 9L. FAG.MUS. 024 /A 1 GRBI
1 v.