Scheda bibliografica
Tipo Campo Descrizione
Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times. In three volumes. By the right honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. - The sixth edition, corrected. With the addition of a letter concerning design. - 1737 (London : printed by James Purser in Bartholomew-Close, 1737). - 3 v. ; 8.
Note Frontespizi con vignette allegoriche calcografiche sottoscritte da I. Closterman pinx. e Sim. Gribelin sculp. - Per il nome dell'illustratore, John Closterman, cfr. Union list of artist names online. - Edito a Londra, cfr. Copac. - Il colophon è sull'ultima pagina del vol. 3.
Tipo Campo Collegamenti
Autori Closterman, John
Gribelin, Simon
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley : Cooper, earl of <3.>
Editore Purser, James
Luogo pubbl.   GB. - Londra
Data pubbl.   1737. - 1738
Lingua ENG
Luoghi/Possessori Gran Bretagna - Londra
Tipo Campo Legami con altri Titoli
Comprende 1: Characteristicks. Volume 1. A letter concerning enthusiasm. Sensus communis; an essay on the freedom of wit and humour. Soliloquy, or Advice to an author.
Comprende 2: Characteristicks. Volume 2. An inquiry concerning virtue and merit. The moralist: a philosophical rhapsody.
Comprende 3: Characteristicks. Volume 3. Miscellaneous reflections on the preceding treatises, and other critical subjects. A notion of the tablature, or judgment of Hercules. With a letter concerning design.