Scheda bibliografica
Tipo Campo Descrizione
Collected writings / Otto Benesch ; ed. by Eva Benesch ; transl. by Gillian Mullins. - London : Phaidon, 1970-. - 4 v. ; 26 cm.
Tipo Campo Collegamenti
Autori Benesch, Eva
Benesch, Otto
Mullins, Gillian
Editore Phaidon
Luogo pubbl.   GB. - Londra
Data pubbl.   1970
Lingua ENG
Classificazione 709
Luoghi/Possessori Gran Bretagna - Londra
Tipo Campo Legami con altri Titoli
Comprende 3: German and Austrian art of the 15. and 16. Centuries
Comprende 4: German and Austrian baroque art, art of the 19. and 20. centuries, museums and collections, monument service, theorical writings on the history of art, museology and art education, musicology
Comprende 2: Netherlandish art of the 15. and 16. Centuries, Flesmish and Dutch art of the 17. Century, Italian art, French art
Comprende 1: Rembrandt