Scheda bibliografica
Tipo Campo Descrizione
Masters of the loaded brush : oil sketches from Rubens to Tiepolo : an exhibition at M. Knoedler and company, New York city, 4 April to 29 April, 1967. - New York : Trustees of Columbia University in the city of New York, c1967. - 106 p., [40] c. di tav. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Note In testa al front.: Columbia university in the city of New York, Department of art history and archaeology.
Altro titolo Masters of the loaded brush
Tipo Campo Collegamenti
Autori Columbia university : Department of art history and archaeology
Editore Trustees of Columbia university in the city of New York
Luogo pubbl.   US. - New York
Data pubbl.   1967
Lingua ENG
Classificazione 759.13
Luoghi/Possessori Stati Uniti - New York
Tipo N.Inv. Collocazione Biblioteca Note
147 / 003394 9L. FAG.BAR. 004 GRBI
1 v.