709.46 - Titoli trovati: 3
Art and architecture in Spain and Portugal and their American dominions 1500 to 1800 / George Kubler, Martin Soria. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1959. - XXVIII, 445 p., 192 p. di tav. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Miscellaneen aus drei Jahrhunderten spanischen Kunstlebens / von Carl Justi. - Berlin : G. Grotesche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1908. - 2 v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Picasso as a book artist / Abraham Horodisch. - London : Faber & Faber, 1962. - 136 p., [2] c. di tav. : ill. ; 8.
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